A doctoral thesis defense in English, the first of its kind, was held on August 27th2018 at Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU). The event marks an important milestone for academic activities of the university.
The first doctoral thesis defense in English, entitled:“Research on combination methods of SM and STBC for MIMO channels” was held for Mr. Nguyen Tien Dong, a scholar of Electronic Engineering. The Thesis Committee includes 7 members: Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Quoc Binh, Dr. Nguyen The Quang – LQDTU; Assoc. Prof. Vu Van Yem, Dr Ngo Vu Đuc – Hanoi University of Science and Technology; Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Linh Trung – Vietnam National University, Hanoi; Assoc. Prof. Đang The Ngoc – Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology; Dr. Le Vu Ha – Military Technology and Science Institute.
After three hours of work with many feedback, comments, questions, criticism, responses and discussions, the Committee agreed to make an assessment that Mr. Nguyen Tien Dong successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis and the major contributions of the thesis are summarized as follows:
1. Based on sub-optimal detection algorithms of the SDM systems, several low-complexity modified detection algorithms are proposed for the HRSM scheme. In addition, a tighter theoretical BEP upper bound in the high SNR region for the HRSM one, utilized the M-QAM technique, is derived;
2. A new SM scheme, called Spatially Modulated Space Time Block Coding (DT-SM), for MIMO systems having more than four transmit antennas is proposed by combining the SM technique and the Double Space Time Transmit Diversity (DSTTD). The DT-SM scheme attains the second-order transmit diversity and high spectral efficiency and has a low-complexity detection algorithm at its receiver;
3. A new SM scheme, called Diagonal Space Time Block Coded Spatial Modulation (DS-SM), is proposed by integrating the SM technique and the Diagonal Space Time Block Code (DSTBC). The DS-SM scheme obtains the fourth-order transmit diversity and has a reasonable computational complexity at the receiver.
Being a national key university; one of the top technical universities in Viet Nam and on the way to become research-based one, LQDTU has been continuously improving its quality of education and training. Recently, various plans and strategies have been put forward, among these, the strategy for improving English proficiency for students, cadets and academic staff. So far, there have been four students defending their master theses in English and Mr. Nguyen Tien Dong is the fisrt for doctoral thesis defense.
Congratulation to Mr. Nguyen Tien Dong on his successful defense in English. This success will pave a way for the next sucessful one at LQDTU. Moreover, it has asserted the quality of education and training, achieved high national ranking, created more chances for LQDTU to cooperate with many other universities in the world.